Bad Fucking Haircut
As if the world wanted to give me one more thing to feel insecure about, Life dealt me a bad hand yet again. And now I am the proud wearer of the worst haircut I've had since 5th grade (seeing as how it is the same haircut I had when I was in 5th grade).

I asked for it all to be the same length (I look cheesy with layers). Luckily I now have layers all around my face ... and not even the subtle layers, no these pieces are pretty damn badass starting right below my chin.

Now, the most dangerous territory I approached was my bangs. A bit of hair dare-devilness that I have recently engaged in last semester and so far have had some close calls, but an all-around positive experience with. But It's still like going on to the battlefield everytime I go in for another trim of the bangs. Because It's your word against the stylist's vision. Now I have beaten this "vision" the last 2 times I've gone in, so clearly it was my time to be fucked over. So. I SPECIFICALLY explained to her that I wanted the sweeping bangs that kinda go over one eye, long and subtle, nothing too blunt or bang-ish. I even pointed to where exactly on my face I wanted them to be. Maybe she had something in her eye/ears when I was doing this ... I'll give her the benefit of the doubt, but currently I am sitting here with blunt bangs just above my eyebrows that scream, "I trimmed these myself with fiskars and a ruler". UUgh they bother me soo much, I hate feeling the hair on my forehead and I can't push them behind my ear ...

So I guess I can kiss goodbye feeling comfortable for the last 2 months of school. And forget about being mistaken for an Upperclassmen (not all that important but certainly a nice boost to the ole' self-confidence)

And aside from aesthetics, this is quite possibly the worst haircut EVER for the warmer months. Now I have these horrendous bangs just midway down my forehead, just barely too short to ever have hopes of pushing off my face. And since these bangs are as ugly as they are, they have done the god-awlful seemingly impossible feat of making me look worse in a ponytail.

DAMN YOU STARS! You took away the one hairstyle I could always resort to, the fucking ponytail. Rain or shine, good times or bad I always knew I could rely on a circular piece of elastic to create the perfect hairstyle, pulling all of that god-awlful hair away from my face and freeing my head. The ponytail was my domain, my signature, an artform I have perfected over the years of scraggly hair, rain storms, BAD HAIRCUTS, hot weather, dirty hair ... it is the cure-all.

Not anymore damnit ... thank you muchly Studio 561 ... its fucking too early for this.

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Thursday, Mar. 31, 2005 - 10:32 a.m.
I hope nobody still reads this.
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framed - Sunday, Oct. 07, 2007
It won't be Long - Thursday, Sept. 27, 2007
thirteen - Monday, Aug. 13, 2007
graduation - Monday, Apr. 30, 2007
... any takers? - Wednesday, Apr. 11, 2007