The Final Days
It's amazing to read back a few months and seeing how absolutly lost I was here. I had no comfort level, I was constantly second-guessing myself and my security, I wanted out.

I am more thankful than I could ever be that I ended up here at the University of Delaware. I am exactly where I want to be ... I'm completely happy with this school. I have finally established something here ... something that I'm very much looking forward to coming back to next fall (but don't let me get too ahead of myself ... I still have a week and a half left).

I have met some incredible people and I've experienced things I could never imagine. I went on a road trip to New York City to see my close friends perform with the Upright Citizens Brigade. I worked backstage for 23 hours when the Black Eyed Peas performed here, I was elected as the new R-Series chair ... I'll be booking the bands that perform here on Thursday nights. I've laughed, I've seen 5 sneak previews, I worked as a prop manager for a play that I absolutly love, I watched my friends blow the world away with their talent (or at least a sold out crowd in Purnell hall), I watched the Rubber Chickens sell out Bacchus Theater and I watched the Deltones and Y-Chromes turn away 200 people at Delac because they ran out of seats and raised more than enough money to build that school for those kids in South Africa, I have a group of friends that are genuine and kind and hilarious. I have a few people on my floor that I know would do anything for me. I have a major that I am absolutly in love with ... I can't wait to get to work...

As I watch the seniors treasure the last few days they'll ever be here I can't help but feel anxious ... that WILL be me in a few years, and just as they are, I know I'll be terrified to leave.

I can't wait to go home, to see my friends, and to go back to camp ... but this is getting really really old. I'm sick of getting comfortable and falling in love with people and a place and having to uproot again.

I CANT believe that my freshman year of college is almost over ... my god ...

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Wednesday, May. 18, 2005 - 7:41 p.m.
I hope nobody still reads this.
older entries
framed - Sunday, Oct. 07, 2007
It won't be Long - Thursday, Sept. 27, 2007
thirteen - Monday, Aug. 13, 2007
graduation - Monday, Apr. 30, 2007
... any takers? - Wednesday, Apr. 11, 2007