the ritual
so this weekends stone harbor trip was both a success and a bust.

i decided that i would bring jess with me because it was last minute and i realized that i wish i hung out with her more.

we had the notion in our head that together with our dazzling beauty we would rock this small town, paint it red, it would never be the same again...

so we arrived, made ourselves comfy in my mom's friend's little abode and headed off toward the beach looking for some lovin.

the water was pleasant, and through all of our paranoia that the life guard was actually yelling at us we managed to see about 1 1/2 cute looking boy-types. hhhmmmm ...

after staying on the beach well past sunset and watching this girl wipe out over and over again (quite humerously) whilst attempting to skimboard, we headed back for dinner and then our night on the town.

we dressed to impress, me in my pink halter and jess in her sisters borrowed shirt ... we hadnt even walked a half a block towards the shopping area when 2 quite cute boy-types pulled up next to us on their bikes and initiated contact. SCORE!

that only lasted about a few seconds when they said they would meet us in town. chivalry is dead ...

so we arrived in town and were greeted with a swarm of teenagers. we were on our way ...

we decided to walk around the area, scoping it out and becoming familiar with all it had to offer. we noticed that there seemed to be an abundance of teenage males particulrly located around a group of benches. you could smell the testosterone. but jess and i decided to keep moving ... maybe there was a bigger more popular area. (our first mistake).

no where else were there teenagers ... so we decided the place to go was the bench area.

so we headed over and situated ourselves on a bench and waited for the magic to happen. it was interesting to watch the ritual. teens converged, paired off, and left.

after about 5 mins of sitting there and noting happening jess and i feared we had shown up too late. why did we keep walking the first time through!?

just as i was telling jess, "any moment now someone is going to sit down next to us ..." 2 12 year old girls plopped dowm on the other half of the bench we were occuying. ... heh god has a sense of humor i see ...

not 30 seconds later younger boys started gathering around our bench and started paying attention to the 2 12 year old girls. at that point our egos were so bruised that we just got up and left. it took about 5 mins of pep talking in a surf shop to get our morale back up again. we walked back into the bench area and tried again, this time looking more "approachable".

i suppose maybe we werent looking approachable enough.

soon after we devised another plan ... to ask some random boy what time it was and thus initiating conversation. so we would stand a few feet away from target boy-type and work up our courage (or mojo as i would like to call it) to walk over and talk to said boy. well ... every single time we finally worked up our mojo the boy-type we were eying would either initiate conversation with cute girl-type or walk away. groan.

then we saw 2 boys sitting on a bench looking rather lonely ... so we decided we would use our time technique on them. well as we were heading over to them a crazy boy-type who had been doing andy kaufman impressions all night stopped us and, gasp, started an impression that involved him telling us what time it was which totally ruined our time telling tactic. so in all the time it took us to figure out a new conversation starter and get away from grazy guy the guys on the bench had left.


so we sadly decided that we should probably head home being that it was 10 to 11 and 11 was the time we were being picked up.

so we dragged ourselves and our extremely low esteems towards the post office(our pick-up spot). about 3 stores down from the post off ice we saw some more benches, minus the teenagers and sat down. then 2 boys who were also sitting there said ... "hey"

jess and i were shocked by this act of recognition towards us and we used all of our conversation tactics (including the time and the question "where is the post office? were not from around here")they didnt know where the post office was (we actually did) they were nice ... but obviouslty not as old as they said they were. they got up to leave soon after. then they turned around and said "uh ... the post office is right there" pointing 4 yards away, thus making us look like idiots. i guess thats not too hard.

so we finally made it to the post office and then we were approached by a semi-cute short boy-type who was with a pack of other cute boy-types. he asked us how old we were. we replied 16. he promptly turned around and started walking away, hesitated, turned back around, said "i can do that" and invited us to a party.

so we went, got crazy drunk, passed out, hooked up with every boy there, and ended up with crabs.

oooor we got his cell phone number, told him we'd call him after we snuck out to join him at the party (which we never intended or did do) and said our goodbyes.

then we got picked up, laughed at or hilariously disasterous evening, and made up for it by eating snacks and indulging ourselves in ponds pore strips and mud masks, neither of which actually work.

the next day involved food and beach, minus the stupid boys.

all in all ... slightly unproductive and yet also entertaining weekend.

and all i have to show for it is some guy's cell phone # programmed into my cell phone and a $6 hemp necklace.

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2002-08-05 - 6:07 p.m.
I hope nobody still reads this.
older entries
framed - Sunday, Oct. 07, 2007
It won't be Long - Thursday, Sept. 27, 2007
thirteen - Monday, Aug. 13, 2007
graduation - Monday, Apr. 30, 2007
... any takers? - Wednesday, Apr. 11, 2007