ive come to the realization that youve watched enough sex and the city when you become emotionally envolved with the characters. after a sum of 42 hours of sex and the city DVD's i have not only found a way to relate almost all of the situations on the show to my own life, but im living vicariously through the relationships of fictional people and fictional relationships. i so badly want her relationship with the cute carpernter to work out this time, even though she broke his heart. and i want her to stop choosing the bad guys, and go for the sweet one with the dog. and would she please get over herself and admit that she really does have feelings for the simple guy with the great smile?

yeah ... way too much.

tonight was another affirmation of how glad i am for the friends that i have. instead of being "down the shore" getting drunk out of my mind, or at "some guys" house taking shot after shot until i just dont remember anything, i sat in kyle's living room and i drank cream soda while playing a card game that involved spoons and listened to the rx bandits and 50's rock. i laughed until i was about to cry, and i just looked around at all of my friend's faces, and i was glad that i had them, or have them rather.

i was hoping he would call tonight. i dont think i realized that i might actually miss him. i spend too much time complaining about him. god i feel like such a bitch sometimes. i guess its just my defense mechanism. i cant admit that i might actually have feelings for someone. instead i just pick apart everything that they do wrong to make them seem like a huge asshole. i dont know why i have a hard time admiting to myself and others when im having a good time when it comes to any kind of attachment to a guy. i mean, i can talk about a crush for hours, but im reluctant to talk positively about my relationship. what is that? why cant i just get over the fact that a few things have been messed up. im not even allowing him to get close enough to matter, or so i thought. but i truely miss him. and i dont know when he's coming home.

but i miss him. ... there i said it.

he might make me mad, and im sure i make him mad too, and maybe thats just this relationship. they all certainly arent the same, so why try to figure this one out. why cant i just let things happen. and why cant i get past my control complex?

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Thursday, Jun. 26, 2003 - 2:54 a.m.
I hope nobody still reads this.
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framed - Sunday, Oct. 07, 2007
It won't be Long - Thursday, Sept. 27, 2007
thirteen - Monday, Aug. 13, 2007
graduation - Monday, Apr. 30, 2007
... any takers? - Wednesday, Apr. 11, 2007