Red Bull
I've always been told that I can take on the world, that I can do whatever I want to and nothing is impossible. Lately I've slowly been understanding that I've been wrongly informed. I can definitly feel myself nearing some sort of breakdown.

I can't understand it really, well maybe I can but I don't have to think it's fair. I've tried to take on too much this semester. I'm beginning to realise the limits of my intelligence( and how unintelligent I really am and never knew I was) and I have finally met my match in a schedule that I cannot even begin to keep up with. God help me with 3 jobs, stage crew, 15 credits of work, one impossible logic class and a record number of event points I have sworn on earning. Every day in my planner is full of pen etching out the day's events, and layer upon layer of white-out editing and managing the ever-changing itinerary that is my life. I run to class after sleeping for 4 hours, snooze/scratch out pathetic scrawlings I can't even call notes, drag myself back to the dorm before shooting to Dover to work a 6 hour work shift, or attend a friends performance, or attend a meeting, or work an event or squeeze in some semblance of a meal (i might add that I havent had a meal in days).

I'm pathetically behind in my school work. It's beginning to slowly hit me that I actually have to put effort into college homework. Where I could get straight A's in highschool without doing an ounce of work, I am fearing multiple failing/sub par grades this semester.

I have stretched myself too thin, to the point of snapping. But I cannot even begin to name one thing I'm willing to give up. I have taken the idea of being involved on campus and run with it like a kenyan sprinter ... it's all or nothing with me apparantly.

I hope I make it ...

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Thursday, Mar. 03, 2005 - 12:52 a.m.
I hope nobody still reads this.
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framed - Sunday, Oct. 07, 2007
It won't be Long - Thursday, Sept. 27, 2007
thirteen - Monday, Aug. 13, 2007
graduation - Monday, Apr. 30, 2007
... any takers? - Wednesday, Apr. 11, 2007